Three whole months have passed. We went to my parents' house to celebrate my dad's 58th birthday (yikes, when did he get so old?) and my mom weighed Cam. he's been feeling rather hefty lately. I was flabbergasted when the scale read 14 lbs, 7 oz!!! He has gained more than 7 lbs in 3 months, and has nearly doubled his birth weight - something most infants don't do 'till 6 months!! If you do the math, he's gained 1.25 oz a day. At this rate, he'll be 36 lbs on his 1st birthday!!! However, he's not a fatty like his mama. He's very VERY long and lean (dispite the big number on the scale). Even some of his size 3-6 month clothes are gettin kinda short on him - he's sportin the belly shirts! Richard Simmons, look out!
He has been SUCH a joy lately. He very rarely cries or fusses, and is generally so content and happy. He's been much better at grabbing and holding his toys, and even snuggling with his frog lovie. He gave us his very first giggle last week *melt* and just today, was loving daddy's belly raspberries for the 1st time! He's also really starting to recognize me and show it - smiles when I enter a room, and follows me around with his eyes.
Last week we visited his great grandma Bittner. Ohmagosh did she love the visit. We all did! She loves him SO very much. She even got to feed him for the first time. The joy on her face the entire time we were there was priceless.
Two nights ago we transitioned him to his room. We started off putting the bassinet in the crib, and that went pretty well. (He did wake up in the middle of the night once, but overall not bad!) This Saturday, we're going to take the bassinet out of the crib, and hope he sleeps well in "open waters". He naps terribly in his crib, let's hope sleeping for the night will go better than daytime sleep! I gotta admit, I HATE him sleeping in his nursery. I find such comfort with him right next to me. Even though he's just around the corner, it's like he's a world away. I know it's for the best, but if I had my way his crib would be in OUR room. (Or, our bed would be in the nursery. LOL)
So. I survived going back to work. The first week (especially the first day) was really tough... often I would think about him, or look at his picture, and tear up. (I bawled my eyes out the 1st time I dropped him off and also on my way to work that day) But each day gets better (even though I still have my weak moments. Mondays are the worst.) Cameron seems pretty happy at daycare, and all the kids get excited when they see him come in. He definitely gets the stimulation and socialization I couldn't provide for him. I know this is for the best, although I still desperately wish I could be home with him. It kills me that I miss out on 40 hours of his life every single week. Time seems to be flying faster now that I'm back to work, and I think it's because I'm missing out on so much time with him. Breaks my heart, but I know it's necessary and for the best.
I never knew my heart was capable of so much love.