Well I suppose there's a first for everything!
I can't claim to be a good writer, but I do promise to do my best at using proper spelling, punctuation and grammar. I also promise to talk a LOT about my amazing husband, my crazy dog (named Goo - Gracie Goo, that is) and the amazing life that's growing inside of me. As of today, I am 19 weeks and 3 days pregnant!
Two days ago, August 20th, Brian and I went for our BIG ultrasound. The day we'd see our little life moving, wiggling, dancing and shaking before our eyes. The day our little life will tell us if it's a boy or a girl. Well folks, it was obvious to see that "it" is indeed a
BOY!!!! While I was "talking myself" into hearing that it was going to be a boy, for some reason it was still quite a shock. Brian of course looked as giddy as could be. I well, didn't have quite the same emotion. I'm almost ashamed to admit I felt a bit of disappointment. When all was said and done and we went back into the waiting room, I even teared up a bit - but not in a happy way. I felt like SUCH a terrible mother! How could I be disappointed I was having a son - the same baby we tried for nearly a year to have? The same baby I've been dreaming about and shopping for and planning my life around for the past 4 months?!?! What should have been one of the best moments of my life, my emotions were completely ruining it for me! Why wasn't I thrilled I was having a little boy? And why wasn't I jumping for joy this little boy is thriving and healthy???
While we were registering at Babies R Us for baby things, I really started coming around. Looking at all the sweet little boys in the store, seeing all the adorable boyish looking things (puppy dog stuff, lots of red sox and patriots gear), it felt so much more real... and all of a sudden, all things "pink" didn't look as appealing. I was shopping for my SON!
Bri and I then went for a really great lunch in York, at "Lobster in the Rough". We ate outdoors, talked about all the things we needed, all the things we are looking forward to doing with our little boy... After lunch, we headed to The Children's Place where we bought his entire summer wardrobe! (For a killer deal, might I add! Got maybe 10 outfits, including shoes and hats, for less than $40!). What made it all even better, is that our little man has a name. One we've completely agreed on, absolutely love, and put in writing. Giving him an identity... a name.... makes it SO much more real. After such a great day, I felt VERY silly for feeling that 30 minutes of disappointment! I went from not realizing how badly I wanted a little girl, to not knowing how much I, in actuality, really wanted a baby boy! What made the day even more special, is for the 1st time I *really* felt him move! Not just little flutters, but full-on movement! Incredible.
None of our family or parents know "it" is a "he" yet. We're telling both sets of parents tomorrow night after dinner. We got this AMAZING cake (chocolate and vanilla with a raspberry filling and butter cream frosting) decorated in pink and blue. The top says "Our bundle of joy. Girl or boy?". Surrounding the cake are 8 cupcakes. 4 pink, 4 blue. The blue ones are filled with raspberry filling. Our parents will be asked to take the cupcake they think we're having. On the count of three, they'll all bite into it at the same time. Whoever's got the filling, guessed right!
We have another surprise planned for the night - our parents think we're not sharing the name with anyone until the birth. What they don't know, is that our baby's name is embroidered on the bib of the bear I gave to my mom on Mother's Day, telling her that we were pregnant. (For those who don't know, I gave her a build-a-bear (lamb, actually) dressed in baby gear, and I recorded in his left paw our news. Best Mother's Day Gift EVER!!!) I stole this lamb from her, and will give it back to her after she knows we're having a boy - and she will then see the bib, and know his name. Part of it is a family name, that I'm sure her and my dad will be incredibly touched by. Name to be announced shortly. :) :) :) I'm so excited for the dinner tomorrow night, and will be sure to take lots of pics (decor, cake, bear, reaction, etc) and post them here!
On a sad note, my brother Eric is currently in the hospital. He's had on-going swelling/blood flow issues with his legs and always needs to wear compression stockings to keep the swelling down. Last Sunday, his right leg really started bothering him. It was especially swollen, and hurt quite a bit. He tried brushing it off that day and the next. On Tuesday, he couldn't ignore it anymore - and Amy, his loving girlfriend (and a dear friend of mine) insisted he go to the hospital. He was admitted with a VERY high fever, and a horrible infection (cellulitis). His fever has come down, and he's not in as much pain, but after 4 days, he's still there and they're not sure when he'll be home. His leg is now starting to blister pretty badly, which leaves him susceptible to further infection (as those blisters are now starting to pop). Eric doesn't have any insurance (health OR disability) so it's gonna be tough for him to pay his bills, or receive the follow-up care he desperately needs. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers!!!
Well I suppose I should end it here, but will be sure to update in a few days. Thanks for reading this far. I look forward to sharing our life's journey with you! xoxo.