Thursday, October 29, 2009

Sorta setting in now.

Yesterday was a big "baby day". I had (a week late) my 28 week glucose screening, rogam shot, flu shot, blood draw, monthly appointment, and ultrasound! After that, we went to our 1st of 6 birthing classes! What an eye-opening experience. We pretty much spent the time getting to know eachother, and taking a tour of the birthing unit.
Cameron is very healthy and content in there! He's measuring big at 3.4 lbs (scares me, his daddy was almost 10 at birth), and i'm measuring more than a week ahead! He's an active little guy, I feel him squirming and kicking all the time. Just the other day, Bri and I both felt him hiccuping for the first time! Unbelievable!
Add onto our awesome day yesterday, the day before last we put together his crib. It's *really* looking like a nursery now! I SOOO love his room, it's coming together beautifully, and will be sure to post pics when everything is complete. Sure has come a long way!
I never thought I could be so happy, or so in love... both with my husband, and with a little boy i've never met. Seeing the images captured on the left really made me feel even more strongly for him, which I didn't think was possible. As excited as I am to finally meet him, I will really miss being pregnant - and knowing he's in me, safe and protected.

1 comment:

  1. Awww...I remember those first husband and I, having completed the nursery, would sit in the room, looking around and in complete awe of how our lives were changing - it's an amazing feeling!
